VT VOAD Membership

Benefits of joining VT VOAD:

  • Access to Resources, Training, and Other Learning Opportunities : VT VOADs offer members a wide array of resources and educational opportunities for organizations, and volunteers.
  • Committees/Task Forces : Members and Partners gather around topical issues and programmatic activities to improve the delivery of services throughout the disaster cycle, and to further create a climate for cooperation.
  • Incident Response and Recovery Coordination : In support of our member’s work to respond to a disaster or help a community recover, we help coordinate and facilitate communication and actions among member organizations, emergency management agencies and other organizations.
  • Peer to Peer Networking : VT VOADs offer their members numerous opportunities to share and discuss best practices and partner on common issues with COADs and regional VOADs.

VT VOAD Categories of Membership:
1. Full Member – Organizations, which meet all of the following criteria, are eligible for the Full Member category in VT VOAD.

  • Organizations must be not-for-profit (IRS Code 501c).
  • Must have a disaster response program and policy for resource commitment to disaster-affected people without discrimination.
  • Must be statewide in scope.
  • Non-statewide organizations can apply if no Community Organization Active in Disaster (COAD) exists in their area.

2. Associate Member – The Associate Member category of membership may be granted to organizations, government agencies, or businesses with disaster planning and operations responsibilities or capabilities that don’t meet Full Member criteria, and:

  • Have a disaster response program and policy for resource commitment to disaster-affected people without discrimination.
  • Government entities that bring resources to the VOAD movement and demonstrate a commitment to support the VOAD mission and its members.
  • Foundations, educational institutions, businesses or private corporations that bring resources to the VOAD movement, demonstrate a commitment to support the VOAD mission and its members.
  • Associate members have voice but do not vote nor serve on the VTVOAD Executive Committee.
  • Need not be statewide in scope.

If you’d like to join VT VOAD as a Full or Associate member, complete the form to inquire about becoming a member

Membership Contact Form